Start Lines and Writing Prompts

Follow @StartLines Steps slow, weighed down by fear… Declines to print them business cards… Both sought the father they never had… Discovers she is self-editing freedom’s voice… Can’t admit they’re responsible… Fireplace coughs smoke into their room… She...

Why Writing is Power

The first written story I recall making was on a visit to my great aunt and uncle. I may have been 7 or 8. Uncle Clair and I drove to the woods, chopped wood, stacked it in the back of the truck and trailer, then cleaned and put away our tools. We had lunch in the...

Building Character

I laughed while reading an explanation of how to develop a character’s voice when the author of the piece talked about how easy it could be when the person had an accent. Please. That is not a “voice”, that is an accent. No more than if you had an Irish accent that...

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